Based on the methodology of coaching psychology and positive psychology, I support my clients with ADHD to be successful in the world of work based on their neurodiversity and personal strengths.
ADHD consists of three main symptoms, which can be present to different levels. These symptoms are attention disorder, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Symptoms often came from childhood into adulthood, making everyday life and work difficult.

In its adult form, the greatest difficulties are often distraction, distracted attention, forgetfulness, time management, planning-organization and prioritization tasks, as well as timely execution and completion of tasks. They usually have trouble following the rules and following the instructions, because they simply think differently and are much more creative than most average people.
In terms of emotions, people with ADHD often feel restless, tense, low self-confidence, and extremely critical of themselves. They are often reckless and impulsive, as they find it difficult to regulate their intense emotions.
Neurodiversity, unlike other approaches, gives us the opportunity to focus not on the weaknesses of the person, but on their strengths, and a great tool for this is coaching psychology, which is specifically based on individual strengths and positive psychology.
By its nature, coaching is a highly structured and systematic workflow, in which the coach helps to develop self-knowledge, manage emotions, interpret situations, set and achieve goals, and keep a constant focus.
You also need to know what situations often cause difficulties, when you feel stressed, excluded, or misunderstood.
And it is worth making others aware of this, because we are not all the same, but we have to cooperate with others in many situations.
It is also worth making others aware of all this, since we are not the same, but we have to cooperate with others in many situations.
Recognizing neurodiversity as a value and integrating it into company culture can be an untapped competitive advantage for companies.
Now let's look at some examples of cases where coaching can be useful for you. If you feel that:
- In social situations, you are regularly misunderstood, or you misunderstand others and interpret what is said differently.
- You feel that your thinking is often different from others, it does not fit into the "box"
- You often see things in black or white and want to "turn gray"
- You are full of world-changing ideas, and you have extremely high intelligence, but you still feel that you often have difficulties in putting your ideas into practice due to lack of focus
- You procrastinate a lot of tasks, you can't manage your time, planning and prioritizing are difficult
- You often get involved in spoken or unspoken workplace conflicts
- You are tense and anxious many times
- You have difficulty regulating your emotions and mood, and you want to manage your emotions more consciously
These are just a few possible examples that tend to occur more often in neurodiverse individuals.
How can I help you?
I support you with the methodology and tools of coaching psychology:
- Understanding and expressing yourself and your emotions
- In finding your true superpower
- In interpreting social and workplace situations
- Realizing your ideas
- In focus holding
- In planning, prioritizing, scheduling, setting and achieving your goals
The current fee for online/personal ADHD business coaching sessions in English is HUF 20,000/hour (which takes at least 60 minutes).
If you feel that it might be worth talking to, feel free to contact me, I will gladly invite you for coffee.
Recommended reading:
You can read more about neurodiversity in this blog post
Books that form the basis of my work:
Dr. Gábor Máté: Scattered Minds
If you're open to reading about traumas that may be related to ADHD:
Dr. Gábor Máté: Scattered Minds
And if you have physical symptoms and/or are more deeply interested in the connection between body and soul:
Dr. Gábor Máté: When the body says no
Dr. László Buda: What does your body say?